The Hill

Presented by MaLee and Lerato

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Based on Psalm 24:3-4 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart..”

The Hill aims to deal with challenges in the religious or Christian fraternity faced by our listeners.
The show not only highlights these challenges but incorporates the opinions of listeners on various topics.
The aim of The Hill is to encourage our listeners to be self-aware, conscious, and involved in changing societal issues around them.
The Hill also equips listeners to overcome obstacles in scripture, spoken word, and devotion.

Our Features include Your Voice (where Listeners share their opinion on the topics at hand) and The Ascension (where listeners share tips and scripture on how to become better people)


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Hope Alive Radio Station was founded in May 2020 by Siphiwe Chris and Phindile Mathebula. We are based in Chloorkop, Kempton Park South Africa and working, in partnership with believers from every denomination to revive, restore and to bring a living hope to South Africa and the World.

